Entries Tagged as "Other stuff..."

Hacking attempt

Today I got an error which said that "file http://www.odigoslimnisplastira.gr/giros/large/111.txt? could not be viewed". The error was coming from my viewsource plugin, which uses a url variable 'file' to determine which file to show the source for.
Off course I added a check in that file so only certain files can be viewed, but if I had not... Then Railo would have downloaded and read the file, which would have shown this on-screen:

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Konami Code Plugin by Visual28

I just downloaded and installed the Konami Code Plugin for mangoBlog by Mark Aplet. It simply adds easter eggs into your (my) mangoBlog; very nice :-) One tip to find the easter egg: CAPITOLS...

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Test for existence of the Cortona 3D plugin

If you want to check whether your visitor has the Cortona 3D viewer plugin installed in the browser, you can use the following javasc...

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A list of robots.txt requests

I get an email every now and then, from the sites which are hosted by me (and use my Xitesystem cms). In this email I get a complete list of all requests for the robots.txt file on that particular site. This way I can scan through the bots that have visited the site.

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I bought myself a color

Ain't that strange? They are selling all hex colors! What can we still use after all the colors are gone?!

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