This is the source code of correctHtmlImageTextFlowTest.mxml.

This file is part of the blog post "Images in flash as3 htmlText, part 2; how to display them correctly"

The code is colored using the Coldfusion code coloring component by Paul Klinkenberg.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 * Code author: Paul Klinkenberg
 * Project: Images in flash as3 htmlText, part 2; how to display them correctly
 * Blog post:
 * Date: 2010-01-15 19:10:00 +0100
 * Revision: 1.1
 * Copyright (c) 2010 Paul Klinkenberg, Ongevraagd Advies (
 * Licensed under the GPL license.
 *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *    (at your option) any later version.
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" applicationComplete="doIt()">
			public function doIt():void
				var imgHtml:String = '<img height="xXx" width="150" src=""><br>' +
					'This should be on a new line<br>';

				var test_txt1:String = '<b>Just a title</b><br>';
				for (var i:uint=10; i<60; i+=16)
					test_txt1 += imgHtml.replace(/xXx/, i);
				var test_txt2:String = test_txt1.replace(/width="150"/g, 'width="180"');
				var test_txt3:String = test_txt1.replace(/width="150"/g, 'width="200"');
				txt1.text = test_txt1.replace(/<br>/gi, "<br>\n");
				htmltxt1.htmlText = test_txt1;
				txt2.text = test_txt2.replace(/<br>/gi, "<br>\n");
				htmltxt2.htmlText = test_txt2;
				txt3.text = test_txt3.replace(/<br>/gi, "<br>\n");
				htmltxt3.htmlText = test_txt3;
				nospacehtmltxt1.htmlText = test_txt1.replace(/<img/g, "<img vspace='0' hspace='0'");
				nospacehtmltxt2.htmlText = test_txt2.replace(/<img/g, "<img vspace='0' hspace='0'");
				nospacehtmltxt3.htmlText = test_txt3.replace(/<img/g, "<img vspace='0' hspace='0'");

				hackusedhtmltxt1.htmlText = correctHtmlImageTextFlow(test_txt1);
				hackusedhtmltxt2.htmlText = correctHtmlImageTextFlow(test_txt2);
				hackusedhtmltxt3.htmlText = correctHtmlImageTextFlow(test_txt3);

				hackusedtxt1.text = correctHtmlImageTextFlow(test_txt1);
				hackusedtxt2.text = correctHtmlImageTextFlow(test_txt2);
				hackusedtxt3.text = correctHtmlImageTextFlow(test_txt3);
			/** put every <img> tag inside a <textformat> tag with the same leading height as the image has a height,
			 * so text won't flow around it.
			 * Also, since flash always displays images on a new line, add a line break <br> tag before
			 * and after the image.
			 * Yes, I know it IS possible to have text appear after the image on the same line,
			 * but that has much complications: if you then have more then one image, they will often not be correctly
			 *  set in the text's order: 'text1 <img1> text2 <img2>' will become 'text1 text2 <img1> <img2>'.
			public function correctHtmlImageTextFlow(htmlTxt:String, fontSize:uint = 10):String
				// remove optional break before and after the image tag (since we will add it anyway)
				htmlTxt = htmlTxt.replace(/<br>[\t ]*((<\/[^>]*>)*<img)/gsi, '$1');
				htmlTxt = htmlTxt.replace(/(<img[^>]+>(<\/[^>]*>)*)[\t ]*<br>/gsi, '$1');
				var currImgHeight:Number;
				while (htmlTxt.match(/<img[^>]*height=.[0-9]+.[^>]*>/si))
					// get the height from the current image
					currImgHeight = parseInt(htmlTxt.replace(/^.*?<img[^>]*height=.([0-9]+).[^>]*>.*$/si, "$1"));
					/** Now, the magic:
					 * - temporarily rename <img tags to <xXxXimg tags, so we won't match the tag again
					 * - wrap the img tag inside textformat tags
					 * - give the textformat tag a 'leading' attribute width a value of: image height - fontSize
					 * - add a break before and after the img tag, to be sure it displays correctly on a line of it's own.
					htmlTxt = htmlTxt.replace(/<(img[^>]*height=.[0-9]+.[^>]*>)/si, '<br><textformat leading="'+Math.ceil(currImgHeight-fontSize)+'"><xXxX$1<br></textformat>');
				// now un-rename the <xXxXimg tags
				htmlTxt = htmlTxt.replace(/<xXxXimg/gi, "<img");
				/** now check: if the image is the last visible thing in the html, then append a space to the html.
				 * Otherwise, the image's height won't be taken into account for the html's totalHeight, which
				 * causes part of the image to disappear below the end of the htmlText text box.
				if (htmlTxt.match(/<br><\/textformat>(<[^>]+>)*$/))
					htmlTxt += ' ';
				// remove optionally existing vspace and hspace from img tags (who uses this anyway??)
				htmlTxt = htmlTxt.replace(new RegExp("(<img[^>]*)hspace=.[0-9]+.", "gsi"), '$1');
				htmlTxt = htmlTxt.replace(new RegExp("(<img[^>]*)vspace=.[0-9]+.", "gsi"), '$1');
				// now set vspace=0 and hspace=0 in the img tags
				htmlTxt = htmlTxt.replace(new RegExp("<img", "gi"), '<img vspace="0" hspace="0"');
				// done!
				return htmlTxt;
		<mx:Label fontSize="14" text="Original html text" width="700" textAlign="center" fontWeight="bold"/>

			<mx:Box width="224" height="204" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="txt1"/>
			<mx:Box width="224" height="204" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="txt2"/>
			<mx:Box width="224" height="204" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="txt3"/>

		<mx:Label fontSize="14" text="Shown as html (look at disappeared text!)" width="700" textAlign="center" fontWeight="bold"/>

			<mx:Box width="224" height="254" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="htmltxt1"/>
			<mx:Box width="224" height="254" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="htmltxt2"/>
			<mx:Box width="224" height="254" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="htmltxt3"/>

		<mx:Label fontSize="14" text="vspace=0 and hspace=0 in all img tags" width="700" textAlign="center" fontWeight="bold"/>

			<mx:Box width="224" height="254" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="nospacehtmltxt1"/>
			<mx:Box width="224" height="254" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="nospacehtmltxt2"/>
			<mx:Box width="224" height="254" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="nospacehtmltxt3"/>

		<mx:Label fontSize="14" text="image text flow hack is used" width="700" textAlign="center" fontWeight="bold"/>

			<mx:Box width="224" height="254" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="hackusedhtmltxt1"/>
			<mx:Box width="224" height="254" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="hackusedhtmltxt2"/>
			<mx:Box width="224" height="254" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="hackusedhtmltxt3"/>

		<mx:Label fontSize="14" text="html created by the image text flow hack" width="700" textAlign="center" fontWeight="bold"/>

			<mx:Box width="224" height="204" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="hackusedtxt1"/>
			<mx:Box width="224" height="204" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="hackusedtxt2"/>
			<mx:Box width="224" height="204" borderStyle="inset" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
				<mx:Text text="Text" width="200" height="100%" id="hackusedtxt3"/>
