Please enter your Smartermail login details first

Note: you can only use logins which have the Smartermail "Domain admin" and "System admin" role.

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How to use the API wrapper yourself.

First, create the smartermail-object with the admin details:
<cfset variables.smartermail_obj = createObject("component", "Smartermail").init(serverURL="", wsUsername="your admin username", wsPassword="your admin password") />
Then, you can call any function you like, like this:
<cfset return_xml = variables.smartermail_obj.callWs(page='svcDomainAdmin', method='GetAllDomains') />
In case you need to give extra arguments to the page you are calling, you supply the extra argument 'args', like this:
<cfset extraArguments_struct = structNew() />
<cfset extraArguments_struct['DomainName'] = "" />
<cfset return_xml = variables.smartermail_obj.callWs(page='svcUserAdmin', method='GetUsers', args=extraArguments_struct) />
In the example pages I created an option to manage the settings for multiple domains and email addresses in one time. This is actually pretty simple to do, since you only have to loop over a list, like this:
<cfset emailList = ",," />
<cfloop list="#emailList#" index="email">
	<cfset form.EmailAddress = email />
	<cfset extraArguments_struct = structNew() />
	<cfset extraArguments_struct['EmailAddress'] = email />
	<cfset return_xml = variables.smartermail_obj.callWs(page="svcUserAdmin", method="GetUser", args=extraArguments_struct) />
	<--- you might want to do something with the xml you retrieved here --->