Please enter your Smartermail login details first

Note: you can only use logins which have the Smartermail "Domain admin" and "System admin" role.

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One item per line!
GetRequestedSystemSettings: Returns the requested system settings
o Return Type: RequestSettingsResult
o Parameters:
AuthUserName: User name used to perform this function. Requires system
administrator privileges
AuthPassword: Password for the username
reqSettings: An array of settings to return. Valid keys are:
adminpassword (system admin password)
adminusername (system admin username)
allowrelay (noone, localusers, localhosts, anyone)
deletedomainstatsafter (delete domain stats after x months)
deletedomainstatsafterenabled (enable deletion of domain stats)
deleteserverstatsafter (delete server stats after x months)
deleteserverstatsafterenabled (enable deletion of server stats)
deleteuserstatsafter (delete user stats after x months)
deleteuserstatsafterenabled (enable deletion of user stats)
deliverydelay (time to wait before delivering a message)
deliverythreads (number of simultaneous outbound connections)
disablereceivedappend (disable appending received header to
authenticated smtp sessions)
enforcesmtpauthlocaldelivery (require smtp auth for local deliveries)
executecommandline (command line to execute on every spool
executecommandlineenabled (enable command line processing)
executecommandlinetimeout (terminate command line after x
hostname (host name of the server)
imapcommandtimeout (disconnect if no commands for x minutes)
imapidleenabled (enable imap idle)
imapmaxbadcommands (disconnect if client issues x bad commands)
imapmaxconnections (maximum concurrent connections)
imapretrievaldownloadpath (IMAP Retrieval download Path)
imapretrievalinterval (IMAP Retrieval interval)
imapretrievalthreads (IMAP Retrieval threads)
ldapcommandtimeout (disconnect if no commands for x minutes)
ldapsessiontimeout (disconnect if session exceeds x minutes)
logouturl (redirect url when logging out)
logouturlenabled (enable redirect on logout)
logouturloverrideenabled (allow domains to override logout url)
outboundip (IP to use for outbound deliveries)
outboundipoption (domainsip, primaryip, specifiedip)
popcommandtimeout (disconnect if no commands for x minutes)
popmaxbadcommands (disconnect if client issues x bad commands)
popmaxconnections (maximum concurrent connections)
popretrievaldownloadpath (location of temporary pop retrieval files)
popretrievalinterval (retrieve pop every x minutes)
popretrievalthreads (maximum pop retrieval sessions)
postmastermailbox (postmaster mailbox)
primarydns (primary dns server, leave blank for automatic)
secondarydns (secondary dns server, leave blank for automatic)
smtpauthbypassrelay (bypass relay settings when authenticated)
smtpcommandtimeout (disconnect if client issues x bad commands)
smtpexpn (enable EXPN command)
smtpmaxbadcommands (disconnect if client issues x bad commands)
smtpmaxbadrecipients (disconnect if client issues x bad recipients)
smtpmaxconnections (maximum concurrent connections)
smtpmaxhopcount (maximum hop count)
smtpmaxmessagesize (maximum message size in MB)
smtpsessiontimeout (disconnect if session exceeds x minutes)
smtpsessiontimeoutenabled (enable session timeout)
smtpvrfy (enable VRFY command)
spamcheckthreads (Maximum concurrent spam checks)
spoolpath (path to the spool)
submissionport (port used for submission port)
submissionportenabled (enable submission port)
submissionportip (ip used for submission port)
subspools (number of subspools)
timebetweenattempts (comma separated list of retry times)