Please enter your Smartermail login details first

Note: you can only use logins which have the Smartermail "Domain admin" and "System admin" role.

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One item per line!
RequestStatus: Requests information about the current state of the server
o Return Type: RequestStatusResult
o Parameters:
AuthUserName: User name used to perform this function. Requires system
administrator privileges
AuthPassword: Password for the username
reqStats: An array of keys for requested statistic items. The valid keys for this
function are:
smtp_isrunning (True if the SMTP service is running)
smtp_threadcount (Number of SMTP connections)
pop_isrunning (True if the POP service is running)
pop_threadcount (Number of POP connections)
imap_isrunning (True if the IMAP service is running)
imap_threadcount (Number of IMAP connections)
spool_isrunning (True if the Spool is running)
spool_threadcount (Number of Delivery Threads)
spool_messagecount (Number of Messages in the Spool)
server_uptime (How long the service has been running, in seconds)