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Note: you can only use logins which have the Smartermail "Domain admin" and "System admin" role.

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One item per line!
SetRequestedDomainSettings: Updates the settings for the specified domain
o Return Type: GenericResult
o Parameters:
AuthUserName: User name used to perform this function. Requires system
administrator privileges
AuthPassword: Password for the username
newSettings: An array of settings to update. The format is “key=value” and the
following keys are valid:
altsmtpport (Alternate SMTP Port)
altsmtpportenabled (Enable Alternate SMTP Port)
autoresponderrestriction (Limit auto responders to once per day per
bypassgreylisting (Bypass Greylisting)
catchall (Name of the catch all alias)
domainurl (Logout URL)
enablecatchalls (Enable Catch Alls)
enabledomainkeys (Enable Domain Keys signing)
enabledomainuserservicecontrol (Enables control of Service Access
enablemailsigning (Enables Domain Keys and DKIM signing)
enableemailreports (Enable Email Reports)
enableimapretrieval (Enable IMAP Retrieval)
enablepopretrieval (Enable POP Retrieval)
imapport (IMAP Port)
isenabled (Domain enabled)
ldapport (LDAP Port)
listcommandaddress (List Serv Command Address)
maxaliases (Maximum Aliases, 0=unlimited)
maxdomainaliases (Maximum Domain Aliases, 0=unlimited)
maxlists (Maximum Mailing Lists, 0=unlimited)
maximapretrievalaccounts (Maximum IMAP retrieval accounts,
maxmessagesize (Maximum Message Size, 0=unlimited)
maxmessagesize (Maximum Message Size, 0=unlimited)
maxmessagesperhour (Maximum messages allowed per hour)
maxmessagesperhourenabled (Enable Max Messages Throttling)
maxsmtpoutbandwidthperhour (Maximum bandwidth usage allowed
per hour (MB))
maxsmtpoutbandwidthperhourenabled (Enable Max Bandwidth
maxrecipients (Maximum Recipients per Message, 0=unlimited)
maxsize (Maximum Domain Size (KB), 0=unlimited)
maxusers (Maximum Users, 0=unlimited)
popport (POP Port)
requiresmtpauthentication (Require SMTP Auth)
serverip (IP address)
sharedcalendar (Enable Shared Calendars)
sharedcontact (Enable Shared Contacts)
sharedfolder (Enable Shared Folders)
sharednotes (Enable Shared Notes)
sharedtasks (Enable Shared Tasks)
sharedgal (Enable Global Address List)
showcalendar (Enable Calendaring)
showcontacts (Enable Contacts)
showcontentfilteringmenu (Enable Content Filters)
showdomainaliasmenu (Enable Domain Aliases)
showdomainreports (Enable Domain Reports)
shownotes (Enable Notes)
showuserreports (Enable User Reports)
showtasks (Enable Tasks)
showlistmenu (Enable Mailing Lists)
showspammenu (Enable Spam Options)
smtpport (SMTP Port)
spamresponderoption (Auto Responder spam restriction: none, low,
medium, high)
spamforwardoption (Forward spam restriction: none, low, medium,