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Note: you can only use logins which have the Smartermail "Domain admin" and "System admin" role.

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UpdateDomain: Updates the settings for the specified domain
o Return Type: GenericResult
o Parameters:
AuthUserName: User name used to perform this function. Requires system
administrator privileges.
AuthPassword: Password for the username
DomainName: The name of the domain to add
ServerIP: The IP address that this domain should listen on
ImapPort: The port this domain should accept IMAP connections on
PopPort: The port this domain should accept POP connections on
SmtpPort: The port this domain should accept SMTP connections on
MaxAliases: The maximum number of aliases this domain is allowed to have. (0
= unlimited)
MaxDomainSizeInMB: The maximum size this domain is allowed to occupy. (0 =
MaxDomainUsers: The maximum number of users this domain is allowed to
have. (0 = unlimited)
MaxMailboxSizeInMB: This parameter is no longer used
MaxMessageSize: The maximum size of a message users on this domain are
allowed to send. (0 = unlimited)
MaxRecipients: The maximum number of recipients that are allowed in a single
email. (0 = unlimited)
MaxDomainAliases: The maximum number of domain aliases this domain is
allowed to have. (0 = unlimited)
MaxLists: The maximum number of mailing lists this domain is allowed to have.
(0 = unlimited)
ShowDomainAliasMenu: If this is set to false, domain admins will not be able to
manage domain aliases.
ShowContentFilteringMenu: If this is set to false, users will not be able to use
content filtering
ShowSpamMenu: If this is set to false, users will not be able to manage their
own spam settings
ShowStatsMenu: This parameter is no longer used
RequireSmtpAuthentication: If this is set to true, the domain will require SMTP
Authentication to relay emails.
ShowListMenu: If this is set to false, domain admins will not be able to manage
mailing lists
ListCommandAddress: This is the command address for mailing lists.