Entries Tagged as "Railo"

Mod_cfml now has full nginx support!

mod_cfml logoA while back, I needed to set up a new Ubuntu server for Lucee web hosting. Luckily, I came across a great install script, which not only installed Tomcat and Lucee, but also set up nginx and mod_cfml.
Having developed the 1.1 version of mod_cfml, I noticed not all options for mod_cfml were yet available in the scripts. So I added path_info support, and now also added support for the X-webserver-context header.

The X-webserver-context header makes sure Tomcat / mod_cfml only creates one Host for each server-block/VirtualHost/web-context. Without this header, if you have multiple hostnames pointing to the same web context (eg server_name *.mysite.com;), Tomcat would create a new Host for each new hostname, which can take up quite some resources.

These additions have now been added into the github repository, and have become the basis for the new mod_cfml installation steps for nginx.

Mod_cfml now supports Apache httpd, IIS, and nginx, on all operating systems. I think we have come a long way now. If you're still missing something, let us know at modcfml.org.

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CFUG-NL meeting with Gert Franz and Bilal Soylu - 2 top-notch speakers in one evening!

My day couldn't be better... First thanks to Bilal Soylu, who told me a while back he would be kind-of-nearby The Netherlands in May 2014, and he was willing to do one of his always-awesome presentations! Bam, new CFUG-NL meeting planned for may 28, 2014.

And today I am chatting with Gert Franz, and the word CFUG drops. "I should come around once to do a presentation", Gert said. "You wouldn't happen to be in the vicinity around the 28th?" I replied. And bada-bing bada-boom, now we've got a super-awesome dual presentation evening!

If you're in The Netherlands may 28, 2014, then do come and check this evening out!

Notice in Dutch on www.cfug.nl, "Surprise!" :

Surprise! Gert Franz, CEO en boegbeeld van Railo, komt óók een presentatie geven! Dit wordt een avond om niet snel te vergeten, met 2 topsprekers op 1 avond!
Gert's presentatie Railo 5.0 and beyond kreeg vele lovende kritieken tijdens CF.Objective 2014, "it's just wow!". Dit is jouw kans om het zelf mee te maken!

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Calling inner class of a Java Class in Railo

Thanks to the Railo documentation on Github, I finally found the answer I was searching for...

Question: how to call an inner Java class of a Java class with Railo?

Answer: use a $ sign: createObject("java", "main.java.class$innerClass")

Long version: I was busy implementing the javaEWSApi (MS Exchange Web Services API) into a new mobile project, but got stuck on getting the unread-count for the user’s Inbox. An example online showed ...

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Railo Log analyzer bugfix update: v2.2.0

For anyone using the Railo log analyzer, there is an update out!

Update 2.2.0 contains:

  • Added View option, to view the log file inline in the admin.
  • Fixed a bug with Railo 4.0.x, which prevented the display of log files. Reason: cfdirectory filter attribute doesn't respect pipe character as delimiter anymore.
  • Updated the styling, so tables and other layout looks normal again.

Check the Log analyzer page for more details, or go to the Railo extension store.


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How to upgrade from Railo 3.* to Railo 4

Upgrading your existing Railo 3 installation to Railo 4 is really easy! No need to re-install Railo or anything, just copy-paste some jar files...

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