Railo 3 for beginners book now pubished!

railo book coverMark Drew, CEO of Railo Technologies Ltd in the UK, decided to write a book about Railo. When his idea got accepted by publisher PacktPub, he asked the rest of the Railo team if we wanted to write one or more chapters as well. I immediately said yes, and then found out that even writing one chapter of a book takes a huge effort. So I researched, I wrote, and even learned some new stuff while I was writing. It was a great experience to write for something that I am already passionate about. Trying to make the reader enthusiastic, while not being too techy all the time, was a nice challenge.

Mark, and also Gert Franz and Jordan Michaels, did a great job there! The book is absolutely a must-read for anyone using Railo, and wanting to learn about Railo! It not only covers CFML basics, but goes into all areas to get the most out of Railo Server.

Read more about, or buy the Railo 3 for beginners book at packtpub.com!

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