SVN repository browser in Coldfusion

Even though I am generally too lazy to do a commit on every change I make, I did want to have a bit more documentation on the progress of some plugins and components I wrote. Off course, version control is what I needed. But I also wanted the viewing of the files to occur within my own site's layout, and written in Coldfusion off course.

So, after a long day of coding, I ended up with my SVN browser:

I have combined code from different sources, and then did a pretty rough rewrite:

There is still work to do, so I can't yet publish it, but I will! The things that need to be done: var-scoping, cleaning up unused files, and adding to subversion.

Did I make something which already exists? Yes. I know. But now it's neatly integrated into my blog, and "I learned something today" :-) Digg StumbleUpon Facebook Technorati Fav reddit Google Bookmarks
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